The project "Strengthening Internal Dialogue for Peaceful Transformation of Conflicts in Georgia" is implemented by Caucasian House together with two partner organizations - "Institute for the Study of Nationalism and Conflicts" and "Levan Mikeladze Foundation". The main goal of the project is to promote the peaceful transformation of conflicts in Georgia. To achieve the goal, to strengthen the thematic dialogue around the idea of conflict transformation, the project envisages holding series of closed meetings with the engagement of members of the parliament and government, Georgian politicians, civil society representatives and experts working on the conflict-related issues. In a way, the project creates a platform for establishing a unified, consolidated approach among different parties of the society around the conflict-related policies.
In addition, the project envisages trainings for young representatives of the media and various state agencies on the topic of peacebuilding, as well as the preparation of analytical articles and policy documents on current social, political and security issues related to conflicts in Georgia.
The project is implemented with the financial support of the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs.
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