[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The official visit of representatives of Caucasian House and Georgian experts to Ukraine starts on April 14 and lasts till April 22. The visit is organized within the Caucasian House’s ongoing project “Ukraine – out of the Crisis through Dialogue”. During the visit a public discussion in Kyiv and number of meetings will be held in the regions of Ukraine.
On April 15, Caucasian House together with its partner organization – Institute of World Policy will organize a public discussion in Kyiv on the following topic: Georgian Experience for Ukraine. The first panel covers the topic: “Strategies on Occupied Territories: Isolation or Engagement?” The second panel is dedicated to “Reforms in Ukraine and lessons of Georgia”.
The speeches will be delivered by Georgian and Ukrainian experts. The speakers of the first block are: Giorgi Kanashvili, Executive Director of Caucasian House (Georgia), Marina Vorotnyuk, Senior Research Fellow of National Institute for Strategic Studies (Ukraine) and Maria Zolkina, Analyst of Ilko Kucheriv Democratic Initiatives Foundation (Ukraine).
The issue related to “Economical reforms in Ukraine and Georgian experience will be covered by Oksana Kuziakiv, Executive Director of Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting (Ukraine), Eric Livney, Head of the International School of Economics, Tbilisi State University (Georgia) and Maka Chitanava, Associate Researcher of the International School of Economics, Tbilisi State University (Georgia).
The event ends with the presentation of the policy papers, produced in the frame of the project Ukraine – out of the Crisis through Dialogue. These publications give the overview over the discussed issues and are joint products of Georgian and Ukrainian experts.
From April 16 till April 18, Giorgi Kanashvili and Maia Urushadze, the representatives of Caucasian House with Eliko Bendeliani (representative of the Institute of Nationalism and Conflicts Study) and Gogita Aptsiauri (correspondent of the Radio Liberty) will hold the number of meeting in Kharkiv. During 20-22th of April meetings will be held in Lviv. The meetings will be organized with the representatives of local government, CSOs and academia. The main aim of the visits to the regions of Ukraine is to analyze the current situation of IDPs on the ground and to share Georgian experience over the above mentioned issue.
This project “Ukraine – out of Crisis through Dialogue” is funded by the FCO/DFID/MOD Conflict Pool through the British Embassy in Ukraine[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]