One month ago, Caucasian House’s video studio announced a video contest. The aim of the contest was to record severe social and environmental problems in our country, such as: behavior of low civic consciousness, littering and harming the environment, not obeying traffic laws and unruly drivers, people’s social hardships and so on.
We would like to announce this month’s the winners:
David Bibileshvili – Untitled video clip
Giga Uchaneishvili – Nature of Georgia
Tekla Svimonishvili – Sorrows of little Levan
Levan Iremashvili – River Suramela
We kindly ask our winners to come to Caucasian House’s office to collect their prizes.
The video contest is ongoing and at the end of each month we will announce new winners.
We look forward to receiving new material.
Caucasian House Video Studio, May 31, 2017.